Utility Protection Works

ALKAMAL Group is carrying out all kinds of utility protection works, involves different authorities, preparing the proposals, and providing the required drawings to relocate and to protect the existing utilities. ALKAMAL Group is undertaking protection works for electrical/ Consumer gas pipe /live water mains/telecommunication network lines. The utilities are passing along the roads in different depths and we coordinate with the consultants, and clients at the same time we coordinate with the respective utility authority to get approvals before proceeding on protection works and relocation works according to the requirement of the respective utility authority standards.

The existing utilities are protected by the concrete surround by providing the split duct around the electrical cables or telecommunication cables. The existing water lines are protected with the specialized precast reinforced concrete slabs according to the standards of authorities. There are customized designs for doing protection works according to the site situation that will be carried out with utmost care and HSE and quality standards.